West End Games Indiana Jones and the Tomb of the Templars RPG Book
West End Games Indiana Jones and the Tomb of the Templars RPG Book is a supplement for the Indiana Jones Roleplaying Game. It requires the Masterbook and The World of Indiana Jones Worldbook.
When the Knights Templar fled France in the 14th century, they took their treasure with them. A treasure so powerful -- so deadly -- so evil that it was locked away from the sight of mankind. Now a race has begun to find this mysterious treasure before it falls into the wrong hands. But finding it will be the easy part. Surviving it is the problem. And all of this is only the beginning -- this first adventure/source material collection for The World of Indiana Jones also contains Indiana Jones and the Druid's Curse and Indiana Jones and the Sword in the Stone. Three harrowing, action-packed adventures to satisfy your appetite for thrills.
When the Knights Templar fled France in the 14th century, they took their treasure with them. A treasure so powerful -- so deadly -- so evil that it was locked away from the sight of mankind. Now a race has begun to find this mysterious treasure before it falls into the wrong hands. But finding it will be the easy part. Surviving it is the problem. And all of this is only the beginning -- this first adventure/source material collection for The World of Indiana Jones also contains Indiana Jones and the Druid's Curse and Indiana Jones and the Sword in the Stone. Three harrowing, action-packed adventures to satisfy your appetite for thrills.