Steve Jackson Games Star Munchkin Roleplaying Game
Steve Jackson Games Star Munchkin Roleplaying Game takes the Munchkin experience to a final frontier a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away where no one can hear you scream. But everyone will hear you laugh. Now you can play your favorite races and classes from the Star Munchkin card game, including Mutants, Cyborgs, and Cat People . . . taking on Fanged Fuzzballs, Bionic Bimbos, and the dreaded Clowntroopers, masters of the Farce. Use the latest in exotic and rules-abusive SF weapons, like the Vibrosword, Nova Grenade, and the ultra-powerful Laser-Maser-Bobaser-Bananafanafofaser.
Please Note: The book is warped.
Please Note: The book is warped.